Gavin Turk, ironic and amused as ever
Have you noticed that strangely wrapped sculpture outside Cambridge Railway Station entrance. Speculation has been rife. Was this is large. misplaced package on a nostalgic re-run of the late lamented Red Star service? Or a protest? Was there something secret in there?
Initial speculation then swung to the meaning of the work by world famous once Young British Artist ( the YBA label of success never peels off). ‘There has been controversy’ admits the cautious young guide at the Heong Gallery where his work is displayed for only 24 hours more. “Many people object on gender grounds” Easy to see why when abuse against women does tend to begin by shutting them up this adds the wrapping too.
But this is Ariadne, part of a sequence of sculpture on the sad heroine of the Theseus legend, famously dumped on Naxos ( cue Opera.) In his latest oeuvres, Gavin Turk ‘interrogates’ to use the current phrase, great works of the past. His wonderfully modest maquettes in clay give us some naive versions of the great masters in a very amusing way. I loved the Reclining tube of Paint - in the classical pose of course.
Whilst you are in there, step back and admire with proper reverence, Gavin Turk’s lovely paintings, themselves both funny and mightily accomplished together. His colour abstracts I wanted to bag up and take home. Brilliant .
So whatever you make of Ariadne at the Railway Station let’s see more of Gavin Turn at the Gallery
And apologies for this late posting - get along down to the Heong while you can.