Neil Warmsley The Tower Mill
Carole Ellison Yorkshire Dales
The warm embrace of the Old Fire Engine House Ely wraps itself around Posers for another year. It is bound to be a wonderful exhibition . Posers is the unlikely name for the famous group of Cambridge based artists who now exhibit at least yearly to celebrate the scope within their membership. It is a practical association. They meet weekly for a solid two hour session of figurative life drawing - accepted as the best route to expressive technique. Instituted by John Holder aeons ago, it is still as openly arty and happily inclusive each Tuesday evening , as it ever was. The exhibition is a showcase for the Posers, who despite the show-off name, are a too-modest group of people. Below are some of the exhibits.
It opens this evening and extends through a busy ten days . Quite a treat. Not to mention the fabulous Fire Engine House itself, ever welcome to townies on the hunt for a refuge from modern clattery self service - and dedicated to the luscious lunches of its origins in the 1960s. There is coffee galore in the mornings too and exceptional dinners each evening,
And for the next few weeks until the end of November you can include a look at - or purchase indeed - some of the most accomplished work in the region. And get a heavenly afternoon tea.
Jeff Crosby. The Old Centaur
Scales Brewer by Jon Harris
The Flower Arranger by Richard Wormwald
Westcillf Beach by Alex Kemp