Ingrid Lacey, Neil Pearson, Susannah Doyle,Robert Duncan and centre Jeff Rawls
A smash hit Channel 4 comedy with incisive wit and fearless attitude. That was Drop the Dead Donkey in the 1990s, a cutthroat cynical take on the News. Globelink, their fictional television company housed an unscrupulous collection of jaded journos.
But would it work on stage?
At last night’s Cambridge premier the answer was ‘Hell ,yes” to quote Ed Miliband in one misjudged endorsement. Where other telly successes shrivel outside TV, (Don’t mention the war- or Dad’s Army which died on stage) this one blossomed into a brilliant night out.
Well how could it fail ? It was fun to see the original cast take up their old roles. The audience greeted them with applause as they came on – and the familiar faces felt fabulous. Ingrid Lacey as Helen has such a wonderful smile, it felt like meeting a charming old friend. Amazingly all the cast looked almost the same as they did 30 years ago. Certainly, the same voices as good as ever. Neil Pearson, -Dave the gorgeous office Casanova still a handsome sexy threat to women – but was as sharp and predictably troubled as you might imagine 30 years might bring him.
Damien. The daring darling of the station was the inimitable Stephen Tompkinson and in topflight naughtiness. His faithful fakery props were on hand still. Brilliant acting from him Victoria Wicks as Sally Smedley the affected overwrought Maggie Thatcher newscaster was fantastic. Susannah Doyle cut a fabulous stylish dash as Joy magically unchanged by the years and as mischief making as back in the day.
Jeff Rawle was George still the Office Manager, with a litany of failed roles in media to recount, but the coffee machine set new records for his incompetence and Robert Duncan as Gus, in the same bossy job as ever was hugely successful.
The set was inspirational, almost better than the original - Truth TV, the new venture, set a new bar for up to date chicanery. The jokes flew fast and furious. The laughs were many, it was a great night at the theatre and you will have to fight for a ticket -but it is well worth the struggle.