Clark Tracey by Photographer Mike Harris
Art Themen by Mike Harris
Simon Allen by Mike Harris ,
Atmosphere is everything .And when it comes to jazz, it is baked into the genre, either it swings or not. It’s hip or it isn’t . Jazz is by nature ,straight from the soul, an adventure into the future, an experiment with the creative in us all. With a vibe so relaxed last night the Clark Tracey Jazz Champions lifted the mood into the emotional stratosphere.
David Newton by Mike Harris
Clark Tracey described his devotion to drums as the centre of his teenage life, fired up by the inventive trailblazer Roy Haynes, “Snap Crackle, named for his genius with the snare drum - he re-invented jazz percussion.’ The result was pure gold. Clark is mesmeric, his rhythms are unfathomable – the audience entranced. By some hidden alchemy this band played together with laid -back brilliance so invasive the jazz temperature in the Hidden rooms cellar soared.
Andrew Cleyndert by Mike Harris
And then there was the band. Art Theman, veteran genius on tenor sax and rising star Simon Allen on alto saxophone created a solid wall of brass to give the group a definitive depth. They alternated on some fabulous solo improv numbers– then suddenly were in perfect synchrony for solid blasts of pure jazz sound.
Sixteen time winner of Jazz Pianist of the Year, David Newton was so accomplished on the piano, he rescued a Key mishap in the final fabulous Sonny Rollins rendition of ‘St. Thomas’ – it was jazz as it should be , good humoured attempts to right the tune and a brilliant triumph as the number swung on regardless. No one flaps in jazz. Consummate on a fabulous base Andrew Cleyndert ( he’s played with the greats of British jazz) kept the ship steady even as the quite amazing Clark Tracey took off on a trajectory of timeless sound triumph. Long drum solos can be dull , Not this superb musician’s . I came away in a daze of delighted admiration. It is true, people who don’t get jazz miss out. It is so much the future of music and weirdly always has been- creative original freshly minted and joyous. What more can you ask for?
The Cambridge Modern Jazz team are riding a wave of jazz renewal for all ages in a brilliant underground venue with premier players from everywhere.
Cambridge Modern Jazz struck gold when it signed the Clark Tracey quintet. And there is a programme for ’25 worthy of a top class venue anywhere.
“Don’t stop the bop ’ is MC David Gower’s catchphrase. Live music jazz does not come more joyous than this.