Williard Peopple at the Fen Ditton Gallery
Willard Boepple, the great American artist has arrived in Cambridge from New York and Vermont where he splits his time, to open a special exhibition of his work at the Fen Ditton Gallery. ‘Shards and Sources’ is a spectacular outing for someone whose work has attracted both praise and popularity.
Shard at Fen Ditton Gallery by Willard Boepple
This is an inventive and fresh form of art. In collaboration with Willard, master printer Kip Gresham makes silk screens for a monoprint.The process is complex. Willard scans the image of a monoprint. Then he prints the image onto a thin sheet of PVC,.which he fixes with adhesive on to a 6mm thick sheet of Foamcore, Willard cuts them into shapes and glues them together in layers. Remarkable unique surprising,
Overlapping layers of vinyl on Foamcore can be manipulated into sculptural form. It is irreducible, the Shard is the end product.
The sculptures are sensational. The Cambridge Critique was there to hear the story behind them - and impressed with the brilliant quality of prints Kip Gresham produced. For an art form this complex, adhering as it must to the rules of printmaking (more intricate than you’d think), the prices for the sculptures and the wonderful prints they generate, are surprisingly low.
The exhibition lasts until 18th June. It is the perfect excuse to walk or cycle over the newly opened pedestrian bridge on the river. Between the beauty of early Spring on every side on your way there, and the startling but very desirable art when you get there, this is a treat for everyone.
The Fen Ditton Gallery info@fendittongallery.com
Artist Willard Boepple with premier printmaker Kip Gresham